marți, 15 decembrie 2009 sau cum romanii sunt hoti plus alte nimicuri

Am fost si voi fi o impatimita a shoppingului online. Si ce am observat fascinant la romani este naivitatea, dar si frica vizavi de acest 'miracol' al progresului. Aproape toate femeile pe care le-am intalnit sunt terorizate de ideea de a cumpara ceva online. 'Daca imi fura banii', 'daca nu primesc obiectele', 'de unde stiu ca sunt seriosi'. Si intrebarile astea au venit de la femei culte, cu statut social destul de bine delimitat. Motiv pentru care toate, dar absolut toate prefera sa plateasca in plus comisioane si alte tampenii, doar pentru a nu cumpara ele direct.

Dragele mele, site-urile care ne fac 'favoarea' de a expedia in Romania nu au un plan secret de a va fura voua banii. Daca obiectele se pierd majoritatea site-urilor va returneaza banii fara discutii. Sunt seriosi, prompti si civilizati, comparativ cu echivalentele lor romanesti.

Pentru a face cumparaturi online aveti nevoie doar de un card de credit valid international (aproape toate cardurile care se fac in ultimul timp sunt valide international, dar puteti intreba inainte pentru a fi sigure). Adresa pe care va faceti cardul ar trebui sa corespunda cu cea pe care vreti sa va fi expediate produsele, dar exista si exceptii.

Taxele vamele pentru produse din UE sunt 0, coletele vin la oficiul postal de care apartineti asa cum se intampla cu cele interne.

Taxele vamale pentru produse din afara UE sunt supuse unor taxe, daca depasesc valoarea de 70 de euro (fara transport, la data la care scriu articolul). Aici mai sunt exceptii si variatii, gen daca ai doua produse fiecare sub 70 de euro se calculeaza alta taxa, etc. In mod normal ar trebui sa platiti 19% din valoarea produselor, dar depinde de atitudinea vamesului.

Acum ca am facut introducerea, sa trec la lucruri mai serioase. Fiind practic obsedata de shopping online cam stiu ce si unde se vinde. Si ce am observat in ultimul timp este invadarea Romaniei de 'botine YSL', 'rochii MIU MIU, PRADA, Gucci, etc'. V-ati prins. Extrem de multe produse 'designer', la preturi totusi accesibile. Nu va voi da linkurile directe ale blogurilor/site-urilor romanesti care fac asta deoarece nu imi place sa arat cu degetul. Totusi, un hint. este plin de ele.

Totusi, ce este cu ele? Sunt falsuri. Relativ bine realizate, dar falsuri. TOATE cumparate de pe

Totul ar fi relativ ok daca macar unul dintre cei care le comercializeaza ar declara ca sunt falsuri. Dar ei le vand ca si originale. Asadar, daca doriti sa achizitionati YSL, va invit aici. 26$. Remarcabil nu? Totusi, cu transport cu tot ajung in jur de 100$. Totusi mai ieftin decat la noi, unde zburda in jurul valorii de 700 RON.

Pentru Miu Miu, apelati la acest domn de pe (sau doamna, cine stie). Pentru 90$ (transport inclus) puteti avea o imitatie Miu Miu care la noi se vinde lejer cu 500 RON.

Acelasi lucru se intampla cu Prada, marele Louboutin, Chloe si practic orice designer cat de cat cunoscut.

Morala acestei povesti, dragele mele, este: daca tot vreti falsuri, macar cumparati-le la preturi mai mici.

vineri, 17 iulie 2009

Heet Makes Me Shop (at ASOS)

I have no idea when this happened, but it has come to my attention that ASOS is actually shipping to Romania, at oh so low costs (really). This being said, I have long drooled over many ASOS items and occasionally purchased some off Ebay, but getting them from the source is well... exquisite. On top of that, they are having the SALE of the century, so I couldn't miss on a few items. Frankly, I didn't buy much, only some stuff I can't really get around here. Here are my picks:

Intr-un final ASOS si-a marit zona de livrari, incluzand Romania. Am avut ocazia sa achizitionez produse ASOS doar prin intermediul Ebay-ului, asa ca nu puteam rata acest moment (mai ales ca reducerile lor ajung la 80%). M-am limitat doar la produsele de mai jos, care pentru mine sunt esentiale. Daca aveti ocazia, nu uitati de cumparaturile de pe ASOS!

All images are from
Believe it or not, we can't find ok looking crop tops anywhere around here and I just couldn't resist these two. The bra... well, it was cheap and it looks interesting enough to hide under a boyfriend blazer. I will let you know on the quality as soon as they arrive.

luni, 13 iulie 2009

It's All Yarn

Seeing how just recently my deconstructed clothing interest reached a peak, I can't say but wow to these. And yes, they are basically knitted, not deconstructed, but blame it on Alexander Wang and let it at that. Pictures are taken from the I Don't Like Mondays website and they're part of a Broken Girlfriends Club collection. Can you say yum? And no, they don't ship to Romania, because, as we all know, we're such a third world country and all that. No fashion for the poor!

sâmbătă, 4 iulie 2009

Fetish Shoes

Frankly, I never thought I'd start a blog involving shoes and other fashionable things. But seeing I've been developing quite a shoe obsession, I say we kick start this blog.
I'll introduce my biggest shoe obsessions to this point. Most of these shoes I can't get, for the following reasons:
1. I live in a country where shoes, pretty shoes, awesome shoes, deviant shoes, if I may say so, are hard to find. There's no Nordstrom here. Hey, there's no H&M here for that matter.
2. Most of the shoes I want are out of my price range. Way out. That doesn't mean I can't drool over some Ann Demeulemeester lace ups pictures until finally deciding to have a similar pair done at a local shoe maker (not that easy as it sounds, let me assure you).
3. Most of the shoes I want got sold out seasons ago and can be rarely spotted on Ebay, at outrages prices - see point no 2.
That being said, let's get on with the shoes

First, the crepe Emma Cook boots from the A/W 08-09 collection for TOPSHOP. I will never forgive myself I was in London at the time the collection hit the stores and did not get them. The fact I didn't know they existed is not an excuse. They retailed for about 150 pounds, that's 300$, and at the time I could have spared that kind of money. Stupid me. Now rarely available on Ebay for more than 600$.

Second, the Balenciaga ankle boot. These were made very populat by Mary Kate Olsen. 1500+ $ price tag means no way in hell. Naturally, there are stories of people finding them (and the elusive tall boot from the same collection) in Hawaii for 90% off. Yeah... not living in Hawaii. Sure, there's always the Sam Edelman version, which is not actually a knock off, as some people might believe, as Balenciaga sold the rights to the shoes, and Edelman made the boots for Victoria's Secret only. The VS version sold for 170$ (sale for 100$!). Naturally, gone in seconds, now available on Ebay for more than 600$. Not gonna happen.